Brett Maas Donates to Local Golf Tournament Charity to help Boys and & Girls Clubs

On April, 28th 2017 at Talking Stick Resort by Top Golf Scottsdale Brett Maas and Hayden IR a Nationally Recognized Top IR Firm is contributing over $5,000 as a Backswing Sponsor benefiting Kitchen on the Street and the Boys & Girls Clubs.

Brett Maas is a firm believer in giving back and helping the local community he lives or works in. You can find more Charity information at his Charity site here.

The sponsorship includes: (link)

Name on “Flop Wall” for 18 hole course • Name promoted during the 1 hour LPGA clinic prior to
shotgun start • Name Promoted on the 18 hole course via LPGA pro wearing company logo/branding
at the “Challenge the LPGA Drive Competition” • LPGA pro wearing company logo/branding as she
golfs one hole with 18 of the teams/18 holes) • EMCEE announcement • Banner Listing during
registration • Banner Listing during dinner

golf charity

Help Fight Childhood Cancer, Give Back

As Brett Maas content team we get to see some of the really generous and nice things Brett does to give back. One of them is when he received and email from a friend and it states…

Once again, I am asking for your help.  For the seventh year in a row, I am riding in the Trek 100, a Ride for Hope.

Please consider joining the fight against childhood cancer and related blood disorders. I am riding in the Trek 100 Ride for Hope which supports the MACC Fund. This is a ride truly for hope. Proceeds from this ride will help support critical research efforts in the search for new cures and in the eradication of childhood cancer and related blood disorders. The overall cure rate stands at 80%, but with your help, we will get to 100% — one pedal at a time.

Sam, my son, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in January 2009.  Because of the efforts of the MACC Fund, the survival rate for Sam has increased to 80% from 15% when the MACC Fund began over 30 years ago.

Needless to say Brett was quick to help support a friend, his son, and a great cause. Also, if you read this and they are still raising money to help cure childhood cancer you can donate here.

Brett Maas Content Team Testing YouTube

Check out this video about Brett Maas investor relations professional video! Share if you can please and feel free to embed on your investor relations sites.

We are experimenting with some content ideas and platforms like YouTube so would love your feedback in the comments. Thanks! (Brett’s content team)

Brett Maas Sponsors $5,000 Table at 2015 Make-A-Wish Arizona Ball

make a wish arizona

Make-A-Wish® Arizona raised more than $765,000 during the 2015 Make-A-Wish Arizona Studio 540 Wish Ball presented by GoDaddy. Proceeds from the event, held on Saturday, April 11, will help grant 102 Arizona wishes.

Brett Maas sponsored a table and donated $5,000 to contribute to the over $700k raised for Make a Wish Arizona. Make a wish is another organization that Brett Maas really enjoys giving to because it involves helping kids and children.

Brett Maas Donates $500.00 to the Missionary Athletes International, (MAI)

soccerBrett Maas received a letter (portion of that letter below). Brett’s goal is to encourage others to help more people and support others you believe in for great causes.

Friends and Family, I would like to share with you a great opportunity which God has brought my way this summer. Missionary Athletes International, (MAI) a non-profit, non-denominational sports ministry, has asked me as part of the Biola men’s soccer team to be team member on a missions outreach trip to Japan this summer from July 29th-August 10th.


The goal of this trip is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the platform of soccer. Personal testimonies, post-game presentations, shared meals, matches, and clinics are just a few of the ways we are able to share God’s love. Many of the people we will be in contact with have never heard the gospel and my team has the opportunity to change that.


The Seahorses have been ministering in Japan for the past eighteen years. We will be ministering in three different locations in Japan: Osaka, and Iwakuni. Soccer fever has swept the country and it is our attempt to capitalize on that excitement to share the importance of a relationship with Christ through the platform of soccer. Less than 1% of the Japanese know Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior.

Brett Maas and Sons of Arizona Donates School Supplies to Supai

sons of arizonaOn September 12th, the Sons of Arizona delivered items from its School Supply Drive to Sheryl Rednor, principal at Supai Middle School. Not only did they deliver a stockpile of the basic items, including 313 dozen pencils, 700 spiral notebooks and 181 packages of 3X5 cards, the organization was also able to accommodate and deliver a large amount of “wish list” items that were requested directly from the teachers and faculty , including 25 scientific calculators, 100 three ring binders, socks and underwear. Due to a generous donor, the Sons of Arizona was even able to provide Supai with an iPod touch for one of the education award programs. “This has been a great experience for us, and we look forward to future opportunities to support the children of the community,” said Grant MacKenzie, Jr., president of Sons of Arizona.

The Sons of Arizona was founded in June of 2011 by a group of 11 Scottsdale and Phoenix locals for the benefit of children in our local communities. Their efforts are focused on inspiring local children, helping local school systems, charities, not- for -profit organizations and individual kids who just need a little boost to get them where they need to be! The members of Sons of Arizona includes 11 local business owners, teachers and executives including President Grant MacKenzie, Matt Blanton, Joshua Glennie, Jake Flesner, Jacob Chapman, Brendon Sarracino, Brett Maas, Jason Blechmann, Ryan Kohnke, Travis Chapman and Mark Colletti.

Connect with Brett Maas on Twitter, Brett Maas Facebook, and Brett Maas CrunchBase Profile

Brett Maas Donates $1000.00 to Team Hole in the Wall

It feels good to give back. Just received this message today after giving $1000.00 to a good cause. I share this to help encourage others to give. Givers gain!

2011 Chicago Marathon
Dear Brett Maas,

Thank you for supporting one of our Team Hole in the Wall members! Your gift will help make this Team Hole in the Wall event a success and help a seriously ill child experience the magic of a Hole in the Wall Camp.

Because of your generosity, Hole in the Wall Camps are able to provide a camp experience to thousands of children who, because of the severity of their illness, are unable to attend a traditional camp. By coming to camp, these children share the simple pleasures usually associated with a healthy childhood – acceptance, safe play and the building of lasting friendships. They get to create more than a little mischief, eat lots of good kid food and sing songs under the stars while roasting marshmallows.

At each Hole in the Wall Camp, we are inspired with every new encounter we have with a camper. As we listen to their camp stories, the world takes on more color, is more hopeful, and more filled with love. Their joy, their appreciation for their time at camp, their indomitable courage and spirit make Hole in the Wall Camps very special and sacred. Thank you again for your generous support to help make this possible.


Team Hole in the Wall

Please print and keep a copy of this acknowledgement for tax purposes as a receipt for your records. Our Tax ID number is

If your employer participates in matching contributions, please send all forms to The Hole in the Wall Gang Fund, Inc., 555 Long Wharf Drive, New Haven, CT 06511, Attn: Team Hole in the Wall.

The following information was collected about your gift:

From Brett Maas

Payment Method: CREDIT
Gift Amount: 1,000.00
Gift Date: 7/13/2011 3:18:01 PM
Supporting: lloyd levidow

Pay it Forward: Brothers collect items to donate to Alabama

BLADEN COUNTY, NC (WECT) – A couple of guys in Bladen County have plans to ‘pay it forward’ by helping tornado victims in Tuscaloosa, despite recovering from recent damage themselves.

Cole Young and his brother Steven are combining efforts to help victims of the storms that swept through the South last week.

“When Elizabethtown was devastated with tornadoes we had people from outside come in here to also help us,” explained Cole. “So, it’s kind of our way of repaying folks.”

The independent business owner said his family scrambled to get power for his baby’s breathing machine after the storms hit about 200 yards from his home. Now, Cole can only imagine what some people are going through in Alabama.

The Youngs are loading up a 35 foot trailer with food, water, toiletries and clothes to take to the tornado victims in Tuscaloosa. They are asking the public to donate whatever they can. So far they have collected nearly 600 pounds of food and supplies.

Donations are being collected at the Food Lion in Elizabethtown or at Cole’s home located at 218 C Aviation Parkway.

Brett Maas found this article online here